Art that grows from things that inspire us. Music, Ideas, Films, People. Some images tell a story that could be a film poster or something we wish could happen. Images made with funky materials, diamond dust, hand made paper, fluorescent paint or gold leaf, adapting photos, paints, silk screens to create something new/ interesting. I get taken over by the process... For instance the very pink 'Blowfelds Cat" print developed from printing a big full colour 4 screen hand screen print on aluminium sheet, I knew I wanted a this cool kitsch image of Blowfields cat the villain from 60's Bond films, that could hang in his lair ... just using the one screen in a fluorescent pink I was blown away, it wasn't what i set out to do it was better. What you see in the art is the end product from my joy in the ideas materials and process of making, I do try to print perfectly registered or paint without drips and clean lines but if things go in there own direction i tend to enjoy the result with the same relish.
Trafford Parsons
“As a boy I must have been bitten by radio active spiders from space equipped with a venom that enhanced the playful, creative artistic side of my brain and atrophied the logical conformist side..”
"There is no difference between high art or advertising, Galleries, books, magazines, street art' music, film, fashion, all enrich our soul and make us think...''
I am very very dyslexic which over the years this has gifted me with a unique view of the world, working things out by observation rather than reading the instructions .